Gen Z: From Familiarity in Operating Digital Platforms into the Intention of Continuance Purchasing Online F&B Products


  • Angelina Anneke Mulyono Machsus Sampoerna University, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Maria Tarmidi Sampoerna University, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Tri Wismiarsi Sampoerna University, Jakarta, Indonesia



Gen Z, technology familiarity, purchase intention, online f&b products


The purpose of this paper is to analyze the relationship between Gen Z’s technology familiarity and their continuance intention of purchasing online F&B products, in which this relationship is potentially influenced by their behavior as consumer. Here, online F&B products are those which are sold in GoFood, GrabFood, and other food delivery applications and online retailers that exist in Indonesia. Data were collected through online survey using structured questionnaires to Indonesian Gen Z, especially with those who previously have experience in using food delivery apps or simply buying F&B products from online retailers. Then, data were analyzed using quantitative analysis, structured equation modeling.  Gen Z consumer behavior mediates the technology familiarity with continuance intention. Technology familiarity is impactful towards consumer behavior and consumer behavior is impactful towards continuance intention. In order for an online food and beverage business to thrive, owners must adjust to the consumer’s capability of using their service as technology familiarity indirectly impacts continuance intention.


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How to Cite

Machsus, A. A. M., Tarmidi, M., & Wismiarsi, T. (2024). Gen Z: From Familiarity in Operating Digital Platforms into the Intention of Continuance Purchasing Online F&B Products. Journal of Business, Management, and Social Studies, 3(2), 94–104.