Analysis Of The Influence Of Online Consumer Reviews And Influencers On Trust In Reaching Online Cosmetics Purchasing Decisions Among Gen Z


  • Agung Arridho Bina Nusantara University
  • Betrand Orlando Sinaga Bina Nusantara University
  • Yogi Agung Satrio Bina Nusantara University



brand trust, e-commerce, online purchase decision, consumer review, influencer


Objective – The aim of this research is to analyze the influence of Consumer Online Reviews and Influencers on Trust in achieving Gen Z purchasing decisions. Methodology – The data in the study were analyzed using Smart-PLS software. This study collected 70 Gen Z samples. Evaluation is carried out with the outer model and the inner model to ensure the robustness of the proposed model. Findings – The results obtained show that online consumer and brand trust have a direct and significant influence on online purchase decisions. As already calculated, we also obtained results showing that influencer affect and transaction trust do not have a direct and significant influence on online purchase decisions. Novelty – This research analyzes the combined influence of Consumer Online Reviews (COR) and the influence of influencers on purchasing decisions. The combination of these two variables provides a more comprehensive understanding of the factors that influence Gen Z’s online purchasing decisions.



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How to Cite

Agung Arridho, Betrand Orlando Sinaga, & Yogi Agung Satrio. (2023). Analysis Of The Influence Of Online Consumer Reviews And Influencers On Trust In Reaching Online Cosmetics Purchasing Decisions Among Gen Z. Journal of Business, Management, and Social Studies, 3(4), 1–11.